C5 | Harassment & Fake News This module will discuss online harassment and fake news, and how to best deal with these topics. 1. How can I protect myself from online harassment and insults? Cyberbullying, cyberstalking, and hate speech are examples of online harassment whose goal is to insult and humiliate people. While it may seem that online harassment only occurs in one’s private life, it is becoming more and more common in a professional context, and this does not only apply to public figures. Here are a few tips on how to protect yourself against online harassment: Don't let yourself be provoked Even if it is difficult, choose to just ignore or block the person in question. You can also visit counselling services, consult with trusted coworkers, or contact the police if it is an emergency. Collect evidence Take a screenshot of the harassment, and write down the date that it occurred. A screenshot is an image capture of what appears on your monitor. You can find out how to take a screenshot with your phone or PC by searching for “screenshot with an iPhone 12” on the internet, for example. Report the post You can also easily report online insults and harassment on social networks by just clicking on the corresponding comment. Social networks must delete obviously illegal content within 24 hours, and users who frequently raise attention should expect the platform to delete their profile and forward their information to the police. Consider issuing a rebuttal If false reports about your company are spread online, management has the option to respond with an official statement to deny the allegations. This is done in larger companies through the press office or the public relations department, which are also good options to turn to for anyone who discovers fake news on the internet. Protect your employees If false reports about your employees are spread on the internet, management has a responsibility to actively protect their employees by offering help and advice. As a sign of solidarity, other employees can stand by their colleagues who have been targeted by harassment, even when they are not directly involved themselves. Got it! 2. What services are available to victims of online harassment? Online harassment is a form of psychological violence that should be taken extremely seriously. It can lead to mental and physical side effects such as depression, anxiety, headaches, stomach aches, or even sleep disorders. It is important to know that those affected by cyberbullying, hate speech, cyberstalking, and cybergrooming do not have to suffer alone, as there are many online and offline resources available to help them. Initiatives such as HateAid or Weisser Ring offer help to those affected through free counselling services and, if necessary, also legal aid. The police can also offer advice and help. Got it! 3. What is fake news, and why does it exist? The term “fake news,” also known as disinformation, refers to deliberately erroneous or incomplete reports that are designed to be misleading. These false reports are particularly widespread on social networks and messengers, and are often politically motivated. These types of stories report events in a one-sided manner in order to stir up negative sentiments and hatred. Even companies can be the target of fake news. Got it! 4. How do I recognize fake news? Try not to let fake news unsettle you, and always trust your gut when confronted with a headline that sounds particularly lurid or sensational. If you are unsure whether or not a news report is reliable, here are a few tips that can help you find out: Origin Who wrote the article? Most internet articles are not published anonymously, and usually contain the author’s full name, or at least their initials. A short search into the author’s background may provide some useful insights. Basically, don’t trust an oil company that says climate change isn’t real. Other sources Take a closer look at the content of the article and look for other news sources that have covered the story. You can also simply enter the headline into a search engine and see what other outlets have reported on the story, and which sources they cite. Verified users When checking for fake news on social networks, it helps to see if the author is a verified user of the platform, which is recognizable by a checkmark next to their username. Make sure to take a look at how many followers the author has, and how long they have been active on the platform. These aspects can help you judge news reports. Also remember that a verified account alone is not a guarantee that the account will not spread fake news. Fact finder There are several websites that can help you can check the authenticity of news reports and give you more information on how to spot fake news, including the Tagesschau fact finder, or the sites Mimikama, Hoaxmap, or CORRECTIV. Got it! 5. What do I do if I find fake news? If your colleagues or employees share fake news on social networks or messengers, make sure to point that out to them. If someone repeatedly posts fake news, you are able avoid their posts by unfollowing or blocking them. On social networks like Facebook, Instagram, and X (formerly known as Twitter), you can report fake news directly through the platform as follows: Facebook Report fake news In the upper right corner of all posts you can find a symbol with three small dots. If you click there, a menu will open with the option “Get support and report post.” Clicking here will open a window where you can explain exactly why you would like to report the post (for example, because of misinformation). Unfollow someone To unfollow a user, select “Unfollow XY” through the three-dot menu. Block someone At the top right of the chat window with the person you would like to block, you will see a small “i” in a blue circle. Clicking on this symbol will open up a new window where you can select “Block” to prevent any further contact with the person. Instagram Report a picture If you find a picture inappropriate or offensive, you can report the post by tapping the three dots above the photo or video. A new window will open where you can select “Report” and provide your reason for reporting the post. Restrict, block, or report someone If someone repeatedly shares fake news, you can restrict, block, or even report them. To do this, simply click or tap on the profile of the respective person. In addition to the profile name, you will see three dots. By clicking or tapping on this symbol, you can choose how you want to proceed. If you block the person, they won’t be able to contact you unless you first unblock them. With the “restriction” option, you can decide in more detail what you are willing to see and how you would like to communicate with the person. When you report the person, the social network will review their profile and delete it if necessary. Mute someone’s content If you would like to keep in touch with someone but don’t wish to see their content anymore, click below their name to find the person’s icon with a checkmark behind it. This check means that you’re subscribed to this person and can see their content. When you click on the icon, you can select “Unsubscribe.” X (Twitter) Report a post If you find a post on X (formerly Twitter) inappropriate or offensive, you can also report it by clicking on the three-dot symbol. Simply select “Report Post” and provide an explanation if you would like. Block or report someone If someone in your network repeatedly posts fake news, you can block or report them by simply clicking on the three-dot symbol above the post and selecting “block.” Now you will no longer see any content from this person. Is it cyberbullying? If the fake news is directed against you personally, we have entered the territory of cyberbullying, i.e. bullying on the internet. You could contact the police in this case and file a criminal complaint if necessary. Got it! Quiz Question 1 | 5 Go back - Next C4 Social networks My DiFü Denke daran: Wir können deinen Fortschritt nur dauerhaft speichern, wenn du angemeldet bist. Log in Create account Start topic exam