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Exam Topic exam

D2 | Data economy

This module will teach you data economy, and how you can implement it when surfing online.

  • Data economy refers to the responsible handling of personal data on the internet, whether it is your own data, or from customers, colleagues, or business partners. By minimizing the amount of personal data stored on servers, we minimize what a hacker could potentially steal or compromise.

    The EU requires online services to practice data economy. Companies and organizations are therefore allowed to only request and store personal data that is absolutely necessary for the use of their services.

  • When buying office supplies online, or while on social professional networks, you will often be asked for your personal information, including your shipping address, credit card details, or employment documents. Here are some tips on how to provide this information with a focus on data economy:

    When buying office supplies online, or while on social professional networks, you will often be asked for your personal information, including your shipping address, credit card details, or employment documents. Here are some tips on how to provide this information with a focus on data economy:

    • You should only give your personal or business address if you are expecting a shipment, or an invoice needs to be issued.
    • Only share your personal or work phone number if it is absolutely necessary to login, or if you wish to receive a call. You should also never publish other people’s phone numbers.
    • When you register for an online service, only fill out the required information, typically noted with an asterisk (*).
    • Never post your address, photos of where you live, or your phone number on social networks or online forums.
    • You should also not post information about your workplace in private contexts. Not everyone needs to know where you work, or how to reach you in the office.
    • Also, do not share other people’s personal information without asking them first.
    • While online, avoid providing your first and last name, your place of residence, or any information about your profession or employer, whenever possible.
  • Did you stop using your old messenger because you found a better and more secure one? Have you had enough work banter on professional networking sites, and would rather just stick to watercooler discussions? Were you registered with a recruiter, but have found a job in the meantime? Then you should consider deleting your unused accounts.

    However, since companies do not want to lose their customer base, they sometimes make it difficult or impossible to delete your accounts online. Here are a few tips on how to reach the appropriate settings:

    Option 1: Search in your profile settings

    Log into the provider’s website and select “My Account” or “My Profile.” This is where you will often find the option to delete your account, usually relatively far down at the end of the list. After clicking, you will usually be asked to re-enter your password, or to give your reasons for wanting to delete your account. You can include this information if you like, but make sure not to send personal information such as your email address or phone number to the provider, as they could use this information to potentially contact you to make you change your mind.

    Option 2: Check if the provider is included on justdelete.me

    The website justdelete.me is a service that will redirect you to a page where you can delete your account, or give you the necessary steps to delete your account. Unfortunately, not all online providers are included on justdelete.me.

    Option 3: Contact the provider directly

    Of course, you can always contact the provider by phone or email to delete your account. The company contact information should be available in the customer service section of their home page.

    Before deleting your account, make sure to back up all important files, including photos or videos, as they will no longer be accessible after you delete your account.

    Note: Some online services offer the option to put an account on hold so that it may be reactivated at a later date. You should note that this will not delete your account, or the personal data associated with it.