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Exam Topic exam

B2 | Web 1.0 vs. Web 2.0

Here you will learn about Web 2.0, what you can use it for, and how it differs from the original form of the internet (“Web 1.0”).

  • The internet is constantly evolving. It was only after a variety of technological advances that the original internet was retroactively called Web 1.0. Its users were mainly passive consumers, and most websites were static, text-heavy, and impersonal.

    Since the 2000s, users have had many opportunities to help shape the internet, and exchange ideas with each other. Through comments, reviews, or even blogs (referred to as “user-generated content”), internet users become active contributors with Web 2.0. The internet has become more democratic with the advent of Web 2.0.

  • Your creative possibilities on the so-called participatory internet are diverse. You can post content in the form of profiles, photos, videos, and comments. You can also present yourself and your company on a social network, such as Facebook, or on a blog, for example. This allows you to talk to like-minded strangers, make business contacts, and get to know new customers.

    Online shopping

    Online shopping is not only practical for consumers, but also if you want to offer your own goods or services. Online shopping has also become much more convenient through Web 2.0. While Web 1.0 only allowed pure information (who, what, where) to be displayed, purchases can now be made, confirmed, and paid for online in an interactive manner.

    Collaborate online

    The collaborative aspect of Web 2.0 in particular enables a completely new way of working. Several people are able to simultaneously work on a document, for example. In this way, commuting to a central office has become less necessary, changes can be easily tracked, and a final result can be achieved as team effort through online collaboration.


    Social networks in particular have revolutionized interactions with coworkers, service providers, and customers. Thanks to our global network, we can quickly and easily expand and maintain our professional network, and always make the right connections.


    Liking posts is also an active method of participation on the internet. When people like your photos, videos, or messages on social networks, it helps you or your business become more well-known and popular. Just like in the cinema, the more people that watch a movie, the more likely it is for a sequel to be made.

  • 2_LE2_ TSEN03_02

    The internet is so easy for us to use because of the World Wide Web, and www is simply its abbreviation. In the past, this abbreviation was located at the beginning of every internet address, such as www.sicher-im-netz.de. Nowadays, however, this is no longer absolutely necessary, and addresses also work without the www, such as difue.de.

    Es wird www (Subdomain). sich-im-netz (Domainname). de (TLD) angezeigt

    The exact name for an internet address is a URL. You could compare the URL to the address of a place of residence. The abbreviation URL stands for “Uniform Resource Locator,” and every website you visit on the internet is assigned to a specific URL so that all websites can always be found.

    Es wird www (Subdomain). sich-im-netz (Domainname). de (TLD) angezeigt

    A component of every URL is the top level domain, which is the extension of an internet address. For www.sicher-im-netz.de, for example, it would be .de. This extension indicates that the domain was registered in Germany. While the ending .eu stands for Europe, a top-level domain does not always refer to just one location. It can also describe the vendor’s target audience (such as .com for commercial businesses, or .org for nonprofits).

    Es wird www (Subdomain). sich-im-netz (Domainname). de (TLD) angezeigt

    In addition to the top-level domain, each URL is also has a domain which can be found in the middle part of the URL. For www.sicher-im-netz.de, sicher-im-netz is the domain. It refers to a specific area on the internet that is uniquely assigned to a specific website. The domain also helps to find exactly the content or website you are looking for.


    Hyperlinks (short links) are used to link internet websites to each other, but they can also refer to other locations within the same website. This can be compared to text references within a book. A hyperlink is usually recognizable by the fact that it is underlined, and has a different color than the other text. A hyperlink can be clicked on to lead you directly to another piece of content.


    You can get a top-level domain and a domain name for your website from online companies that offer so-called “hosting.” One of the best-known and largest hosting provider in Germany is STRATO.

  • Two important tools for actively participating on the internet are downloading and uploading. But what do they actually do?

    Zwischen einer Wolke (Cloud) und einem Ordner wird der Datenaustausch mithilfe von Pfeilen gezeigt

    The internet allows you to not only visit various websites, but also look at files that are stored there. These files can be text documents, videos, or sound recordings. When you “download” a file, you save it from the internet to your local device. You can then read, watch, or listen to your files without having to connect to the internet. You can also download computer programs and then use them on your PC. The file will still remain available to other users on the website after you have downloaded it.

    Typically, your computer stores files from the internet in the Downloads folder (Windows) or the Documents folder  (iOS). You can also choose another storage folder on your computer while downloading, if you wish.

    Not only can you get files from the internet, you can also add them to the internet by uploading them yourself. A file upload occurs whenever you make files stored locally on your PC, tablet, or smartphone available on the internet. For example, as soon as you publish a vacation photo on a social network, you have uploaded it to the social network.

  • When uploading or downloading files on the internet, there are a few things you should always keep in mind.

    When uploading, it is always important to consider whether you have the right to publish the file on the internet. You always have the right to upload your own files, i.e. your own photo or video. But if the photo was taken by someone else, for example, you can’t just publish it without asking.

    You should also think carefully about whether you actually want to upload a file. Depending on where you upload the files (for example, on a social network), they could eventually be seen by a lot of other internet users. In a private cloud network, this would not be a problem, as you are the only person able to access the file. In a company’s internal cloud network, however, the situation is different: All employees may have access to the file. Every time you upload to the internet, you should always consider what private information the file contains, as the law states that you cannot share the private data of others without first gaining permission.

    Unfortunately, there is also a risk of downloading harmful files on the internet, such as computer viruses that can harm your device, your business, and ultimately your well-being. You should be careful to not download every file on the internet without thinking twice. You can find out more about this topic in the Malware module of Unit E.

    Download and upload speed depends on file size and the speed of your internet connection. If you’re dealing with large files (such as a video), it’s best to use a WiFi connection while uploading or downloading.