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Exam Topic exam

F1 | Fitness trackers & E-Health

Here you will learn about digital health services and what possibilities they offer you. We will also cover digital detox, and how to stay fit while working from home.

  • Health data is particularly sensitive information that should not fall into the wrong hands, which is why it’s extremely important to pay attention to the following pointers:

    Carefully consider the services offered by fitness apps and devices, especially the security measures they implement. For example, if you use platforms to make appointments, make sure to only provide data that is absolutely necessary. Even in fitness apps, only provide as much personal data as is required. There are also fully functional fitness wristbands available that work without an app.

    Make sure you always install the latest updates, and that your antivirus protection is up to date. This is the only way to close security gaps that might cause your data to fall into the wrong hands.

    It is important to remember that all providers are required to obtain your consent before processing data, so make sure to think carefully about who you want to give that access to, and whether they might resell your data for profit.

  • The fitness tracker apps on our mobile phone are created by companies in the private sector, but the government is also interested in digital health and promoting the digitization of the healthcare system. Here is a small overview:

    The advent of electronic patient records has made storing medical records on paper a thing of the past. One advantage is that life-saving information can be shared much faster between doctors or hospitals. At the moment, the ePa is limited to medical assessments or medical reports, but vaccination records or dental bonus booklets will also be included in the future.

    Transmitting prescriptions electronically allows consumers faster access to their medicine. These can either be issued after treatment or remotely, in the case of renewals, and redeemed at a local or online pharmacy. This not only saves time, but can help prevent the spread of disease, as recently shown during the pandemic.

    Online or mobile Digital Health Applications support the treatment of a variety of patients, such as those suffering from chronic diseases or undergoing therapy.

    Digitizing medical technology has the potential to save lives by providing seamless feedback on a patient’s status, for example, or offering more precise monitoring through advanced equipment.

    When hearing about all the possibilities, it becomes apparent that e-health data is particularly sensitive, and the applications it uses require a high degree of security. For this reason, the federal government has developed and deployed its own telematics infrastructure (TI) to ensure medical data is treated with a particularly high level of security.

  • Despite all the advantages the internet offers, it is sometimes healthy to simply take a break from it. This detachment from digital media and digital devices is called Digital Detox. The goal of digital detox is to reflect on your reliance on technology, and to find time for offline activities. Here are a few tips for your digital detox.

    It can help to buy an old-fashioned alarm clock so that you don’t have to pick up your smartphone as soon as you wake up. If you don’t have any other alarm clock options besides your smartphone, it can help to switch it to airplane mode every night so that don’t see any new notifications when you wake up. Don’t directly turn off airplane mode when you wake up, but enjoy a few minutes of being unplugged in the morning before you start your daily routine. Maybe have a coffee in peace or jump into the shower.

    It can also help to use airplane mode during the day, or to turn off your apps’ notifications so that you don’t feel constantly pressured to respond. To manage your notifications, go to your settings and click on either Apps or Notifications. Here you can decide which apps should be allowed to send notifications.

    Keep track of how much time you spend on your smartphone, on your laptop, or even watching Netflix. When you add up this time, you may be amazed. Set specific times or even specific places to put down your device and avoid consuming digital media. The time you save through digital detox can be used for other activities. There are also programs that help you track your screen time on an app-by-app basis.

  • Even though physical activity is vital to our health and well-being, it might be difficult to achieve while working from home.  Here are some tips on how to stay active and fit despite working from home:

    • Whenever possible, try to replace sitting with standing or walking. When talking to colleagues or customers on the phone, you can also walk around the room instead of sitting.
    • When sitting, make sure to use good posture with your back straight back and your shoulders relaxed. To help with this, make sure that your eyes are 50 to 70 cm away from your screen.
    • Even when working from home, remember to always stay hydrated.
    • Ventilate your work space on a regular basis.
    • Incorporate small exercises that you can do while sitting so that you can relieve your back and neck muscles. Use your lunch break to take a walk.
    • Set specific times for exercising, going on walks, taking breaks, and finishing work for the day.